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Complimentary Care

We use natural forms of healthcare to help you to help your pet live as long and as disease free a life as possible. 

Increasingly,  pet owners are realizing the benefits of biologically appropriate raw food (BARF) diets and natural forms of musculo-skeletal care. More and more pet parents are seeking natural, pro-active approaches to building and maintaining Super Health and Super Fitness in their companions. We help by offering education and healthy natural holistic foods and supplements that detoxify their bodies and rebuild their gut biomes enabling them to absorb and metabolize nutrients far more effectively. We also offer natural forms of care for their muscles, nerves bones and joints such as animal chiropractic, massage, light therapy (laser) and stretch and exercise programs and work closely with a certified dog trainer to modify movements that cause and or perpetuate physical body problems like back and knee injuries.

The result is an animal who's body functions optimally, naturally. Fat dogs and cats get fitter and leaner and more active. Thin animals muscle up, skin conditions (often caused by food allergies and environmental toxins) clear up, Paw chewing (often caused by a pinched nerve in the neck) stops. Teeth and gums improve, eyes get brighter and smiles (of course we see them smile too) get more frequent.

We hasten to say that we are NOT  - instead of your primary care physician (the veterinarian) which is why we aren't labeled "Alternative Care" but instead "compliment"  veterinary care by helping you help your pet stay ahead of disease or recover using natural non-invasive, non-prescription, non-surgical methods.

Happy and Healthy

This is the place to learn about the newest exercise and training methods and the gear to do it in. Stop in and check out our "FitBarks". They are  activity monitors designed for dogs that calculate miles traveled, caloric expenditure, sleep quality and lots more.

Meet Marlin


My name is Marlin. I'm a Vizsla. It's my job to make sure everything around here works as well as it should and  tastes as good as it is nutritious for us to eat.

Come visit our pet supply store in Sarasota, FL specializing in quality food, treats, and supplies for cats and dogs.